A Conscious Life
The answer to all of life’s problems is right under our nose, yet many of us do not know how to optimise the healing power of this life-giving source and resource.
The connected breath gives us direct access to the hidden part of ourselves, where we carry our subconscious thoughts, beliefs, memories, trauma and mental conditioning. We wonder why we feel anxious, dissatisfied and unfulfilled. It is because we are unaware of the programme that is creating our experience of reality.
Conscious connected breathwork is the fastest and easiest way to increase our self-awareness so we can flourish and live with passionate purpose. The breather is empowered as they take full responsibility for their journey into higher consciousness.
The Conscious Rose guides you throughout your breathwork session and amplifies your healing experience with processing and targeted mentoring afterwards.
With the steady support of the Conscious Rose, you will foster resilience as you release your old limiting subconscious programming, and develop the determination and grit to create the life you deserve.
About Me
My name is Róisín Ní Bhroin (Ro-sheen Nee Vrin). Irish born, my name means 'little rose'. The rose plant is hardy, thorny, with a blossom eternally beautiful. Humanity is the same. We are all hardy, we come with thorns and when we blossom, our many gifts and talents are like intersecting petals, individually fragile, wholly enchanting.
A teacher by profession and nature, I have exclusively specialised in human development and growth. I have long felt limited by national curriculums, knowing that there was more that could be drawn out of the student. Each of us craves growth and knowledge, each of us yearns to be more than what we currently are. Inhibited by early setbacks, lack of support and fear, we stunt our growth and close ourselves off to our incredible potential.
With the right direction and support we can reconnect with our passions and dreams, develop our gifts and talents and overcome the fear that prevents us from living a connected, purposeful life.
Today's Affirmations
Release limiting beliefs and old ways of being. Embrace new consciousness and lovingly encourage growth and joy with these following affirmations.
I have value
I know and appreciate my worth and value. I joyfully allow myself to accept the very best in life.
I accept
I peacefully accept all that life brings to me. I recognise that which I have the power to change.
I love
I open my heart to love and allow it to freely enter my life.
I am in a state of fulfilment. I have abundant love and joy in my life and I am free to do, have or be whatever I truly desire.
Contact Me
My Blog
Taking the Leap.
In 2016, I faced huge fears; taking a career break with little or no money saved, travelling the world and then moving abroad on my own. Then I took another massive risk in 2017, when I made the commitment to
How to activate the self-healing power within us.
Natural healing energy is flowing through us all the time if we are ready to activate this power. Yoga, Tai chi, Qi gong and Reiki are all examples of activities where we can open our channels to allow this life
Love. Let’s not fool ourselves into thinking it’s not the end game.
Love. Who are we kidding when we pretend it’s not all we want? Love, all love, is the start, middle and end game of life. Everything we are chasing all boils down to love. We try to pretend it’s not and
Love, happiness, health and abundance are your birthright! Propel your way forward to 2019.
Before I was introduced to “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, I was really sick of everything; sick of my job and not having money, sick of never feeling body confident, sick of not finding love, sick of having zero energy.
Be Fearless in your Pursuit of Growth.
Here I am, conquering a massive fear I had of holding a snake. Risk-taking and facing fears always leads to growth in a big way. Make a list of everything that scares you; all the things you wouldn't want to
How do we experience a shift in our awareness or a reality upgrade?
There are two ways in which we can experience a shift in conscious awareness, or a reality upgrade. 1.The Situational and Emotional Smashup. That’s the heart attack scare from smoking or the break up of a marriage or relationship. It’s that moment